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craiova travel guide sigla
03 April 2023

Craiova easter fair visit

With curiosity, emotions and the desire to experience an unforgettable experience, I ventured to the Craiova Easter Market. I could not even imagine that this meeting with the wonders of Alice in Wonderland would be one of my most pleasant experiences.

Romanescu Park, the place where the Easter Fair takes place, captivates you from the very beginning. The clean air and scented with spring flowers, made me feel in a parallel universe, where everything is possible.

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The theme of the fair was Alice in Wonderland, and the specially built houses were decorated with characters and motifs from this magical world.

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I couldn't take my eyes off the boxes with seasonal products and the food cooked especially for visitors. The aromas of fresh muffins, dyed eggs and chocolate cakes delighted my senses. I also noticed with joy that some of the houses sell toys for children, and they seemed to be delighted by the diverse offer.


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Not far from the cottages is the huge statue of Alice, standing proudly next to Casa Bibescu. As if it were a real presence, we felt that the character from Lewis Carroll's book came to life and accompanies us on our journey through the wonderful world of the fair.

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I then stopped at the Foisorul Fanfarei, where activities for children were taking place. Here, they could play, draw and create their own works of art. The atmosphere was cheerful and colorful, and the little ones had a lot of fun.

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I then headed to the lake, where we could ride hydrobikes in the form of swans. The landscape was absolutely gorgeous, and the sun shining in the blue sky made the whole experience special. We walked slowly and admired the beauty of the lake and the surrounding nature.

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Time passed quickly and I spent more than an hour in the Craiova Easter Market. Romanescu Park was an oasis of peace and harmony, and meeting Alice from Wonderland reminded me of the charm of childhood and the curiosity to discover new worlds.

In this wonderful experience, I felt that time stopped. We spent beautiful moments and had a truly unique experience. The 2023 Easter Fair in Craiova was a pleasant experience, and this magical world of Alice in Wonderland will remain in my memories.

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